The editors wanted the image to correspond with the perspective that the decision won't do much, because our elections are already flooded with rich people's money. I worked with David Barnett for the first time on this one, and it was a pleasure.
I also just finished the cover of the Health Section of the L.A. Times. It should be in today's paper, so pick it up if you're in Los Angeles. The cover stories explained the importance of social networks in people's lives. Remember when your mother used to tell you to stop hanging out with those hoodlums? Well according to recent studies, she had good reason. Behaviors like drinking and smoking and bad diet are practically as contagious as germs. However, the articles focused more on the positive aspects of social networks, and how healthy and beneficial friends can be.

I worked with Joey Santos on this, who was a great help when I was making things too complicated.

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